Meanwhile, readers say that some AI-penned articles switch languages halfway through.

    910 months ago

    This will be the end of capitalism, the only option they have is universal income.

      510 months ago

      The other option is having you do shitty gig jobs for next to nothing and be grateful that you have just enough money not to starve. Guess which option will the rich chose?

        110 months ago

        But this does not solve the underlying problem for the rich which is: with automation of work with AI and robots and so on, they will be able to produce wealth like we haven’t seen in history, but with shitty underpaid jobs people won’t be able to consume enough so that capitalism can maintain its health, so it will inevitably lead to an overproduction crash of capitalism. That’s why I continue to believe that the only option they have is universal income. Even a capitalist pig like Elon Musk recognizes that this is their only way around.