• I got a permaban for posting a link to Trevor Moore’s song time for guillotines in response to a guy asking for song recommendations for some random mandatory work bullshit where they are force to chose a song to play… apparently the word “guillotine” is the reddit equivalent to running over a baby with a lawn mower. I had no warnings or anything on that account, just poof permaban.

    • @PipedLinkBotB
      59 months ago

      Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

      time for guillotines

      Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

      I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.

    • @Raiderkev@lemmy.world
      -19 months ago

      TBf, they were probably worried about you getting every man, woman, and child in America to gangrape Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell until they died. There’s a line about it in the funny song, therefore it’s a real threat.

      • Nope, I hat would be a reasonable reason considering reddit has the sense of humor of a nun in Iowa. I was told angerly by lump in a basement mod that it was 100% because of the word Guillotine. This was on r/antiwork so it was probably the dog walking gargoyle .