Edit: we’ve made it! Timelapse

Template: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChaoticNeutralCzech/myRandomImages/main/jlemmybig.json
To use the template, install the r/place userscript (guide) and click the above link. If you already have the userscript, just add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChaoticNeutralCzech/myRandomImages/main/jlemmybig.json into the “Always Load” list.

Discord invite

Also, please no “tHiS iS eNgAgEmEnT fOr rEdDiT” comments. Would you rather have no such banner? As I’m not pushing anyone to become a long-term active user on Reddit, I don’t see any benefit for the company from this. If you have a spare account, this may be a good cause to fire it up for a few hours.

  • ChaoticNeutralCzechOP
    11 year ago

    This is a reference to “Exposure does not pay bills”.

    Engagement does not pay bills, either. There were more bots than regular users so nobody who does any research will believe Reddit’s numbers, and any visuals of the event show how much people hate Reddit admins, so they’re unlikely to be able to brag about the event’s “success” to investors.