• @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
    2711 months ago

    They absolutely do. They absolutely absolutely do. And society gets to have a boundary that says we don’t want unvaccinated people in our society. So those people who want to choose to not be vaccinated can go somewhere else.

    • @joe@lemmy.world
      -1311 months ago

      Is this the same as “if you want to have an abortion, go somewhere else”? Why or why not?

      • @leapingleopard@lemmy.world
        2311 months ago

        let’s start with you’re not getting prosecuted for not having a vaccination. These people are going into other states to track people down. It is their body. It is their choice. There is no debate. We’re not talking about masks. We’re talking about abortion. Try to focus on a single issue. What does Hunter Biden have to do with this? I’m sure you think something.

        • @joe@lemmy.world
          -1311 months ago

          You are way off base, but I doubt telling you this will convince you. I am pro choice; I already said this. My point is that this is a debate. There is no objective right or wrong answer. You must convince people that your stance is the just and correct one; and I don’t know many people who were convinced by having their stance dismissed without debate.

          • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            I’m so sick of this nonsense. The choice is between a secular society that respects everyone’s rights and beliefs and an extremist Christian society that only respects Christian beliefs, and abuses the law to enforce those exclusive beliefs.

            Abortion is not considered murder in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or any other major religion except Christianity. The situation here couldn’t be more clear.

            If you don’t want an abortion, then don’t get one. You do not have a right to force your religion on everyone else. You do not have a right to throw people in prison for violating your extremely subjective religious belief that no one else shares.

            You can get out if here with your equivocating fake centrism.

            • AttackBunny
              311 months ago

              I’m pretty sure he bible doesn’t explicitly state that abortion is murder or even bad. It’s interpretation.

            • @joe@lemmy.world
              -511 months ago

              What is or is not considered murder is irrelevant… murder is a legal construct fabricated entirely by humans. Killing another human isn’t always illegal, but that only shows that there is a discussion to be had about what killing of humans is allowed and what isn’t.

              Did I not make it clear enough that I am pro-choice and an atheist? Why are so many people acting like I’m anti-choice and religious? I specifically made an argument that supports freedom of bodily autonomy and called out any religious justification for removing choice as irrelevant.