People need to start accepting the necessity of geoengineering. Net zero by 2050 is a pure fantasy.
Do you know how easy geoengineering is to fuck up? And how global and severe the consequences are if we do? Plus, geoengineering is the kind of thing one country, or a billionaire moron on a private island, could do, and kill us all. I’m not saying there’s no place for geoengineering, only that the only reasonable place for it is after pretty much everything else has failed. We really don’t need or want The Year Without A Summer on repeat for decades.
And what are the consequences of failing to deal with climate change? At some point, the option becomes unavoidable.
Net zero is a lie that is impossible to achieve with the stated methods, in the timescale necessary to avert disaster.
We’re hitting 2-3c above the 20th average by 2050 —agriculture will collapse and billions will stave, hyperinflation, resource wars, wet-bulb heatwaves that kill millions — all are highly probable. Plan accordingly, don’t have kids, etc.
Highly probable my arse
If your source is Medium, I suggest you look elsewhere
This tool spouting nonsense about 2050 is about as reliable as actual mediums
What temperature rise do you think we’ll be seeing by 2050?
No idea
But you very confidently trash other poster’s predictions, so you should have some sort of basis on which to reject those predoctions.
So a guy who knows shit about the science and doesn’t read articles, confidently proclaims the narrative he’s been fed…