Regular users can use Gemini, Deepseek, Meta AI, and there will probably be many more services in the future.
Regular users can use Gemini, Deepseek, Meta AI, and there will probably be many more services in the future.
CEO publicly praised Trump and the Republican party. It’s not the political alignment you’d want from the CEO of a service where privacy is their main selling-point.
NFS gives me the best performance. I’ve tried GlusterFS (not at home, for work), and it was kind of a pain to set up and maintain.
You can always create posts in appropriate communities to start conversations on topics you’re interested in. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
I don’t care much for most pop culture stuff and get enough by happenstance from other sources/people.
I assume if companies have a positive ROI for ads/sponsorships, they have very high profits (i.e. they’re ripping people off).
If it works, I don’t update unless I’m bored or something. I also spread things out on multiple machines, so there’s less chance of stuff happening like you describe with the charts feature going away. My NAS is pretty much just a NAS now.
You can probably backup your configs/data, upgrade, then deploy jellyfin again, restore, and reconfigure. You should probably backup your data on your ZFS pool. But, I recently updated to the latest TrueNas Scale from ~5 year old FreeBSD version of TrueNas and the pools still worked fine (none of the “apps” or jails worked, obviously). The upgrade process even ported my service configurations over. I didn’t care about much of the data in the pools, so only backed up the most important stuff.
I personally use a dual core pentium with 16GB of RAM. When I first installed TrueNas (FreeNas back then), I only had 8GB of RAM, but that proved to be not enough to run all the services I wanted, so I would suggest 12-16GB. Depending on the services you want to run any multi-core x86 CPU that allows 16GB of RAM to be used should be adequate. I believe TrueNas recommends ECC RAM, but I don’t think using consumer grade RAM and hardware has caused me any problems. I’m also using an old SSD for the system drive, which I is recommended now (I used to use 2 mirrored USB thumb drives, buy that’s not recommended anymore). Very importantly, make sure the HDD(s) you get are not shingled drives; made that mistake initially, and performance was ridiculously bad.
Bitcoin price movement seems to follow the US stock market, so I wouldn’t bet on it.
IIRC, a deposit is made by two parties to create a lightning network channel that’s enough to cover all transactions (kinda like a multi-sig escrow), and both parties have to sign-off on their balances after every transaction (the last balance signed by both parties is the only valid state). I think most people would use a custodial wallet where the custodian already has channels set up, and this would require trust in the custodian. Lightning networks didn’t exist, and wasn’t fully spec’d out the last time I looked into it though.
The Laken-Riley act pisses on the 14th amendment. People can be deported for just being suspected of committing a crime. The crime can be as small as being suspected of stealing a candy bar. There is mandatory detention, without bail, for all immigrants, with papers or not. It’s not uncommon in the US to wait years before going to trial, and I doubt they’ll be any more expedient for immigrants. And these people can just be deported without a trial.
He has already ignored the Supreme Court in regards to TikTok. Under Biden, Abbott ignored the SC with no repercussions as well.
I don’t really like rogues (because you pretty much have to redo everything again), but I do usually play games with the difficulty settings all the way up (not on “ironman” though). Being able to retry from a recent save isn’t too frustrating, and you can finish many games without even learning or using various mechanics if you don’t use the highest difficulty.
The Republican party isn’t acting like they’re worried about having to compete in fair elections again. It’s also looking like the administration doesn’t need congress or the courts, and can do whatever they want.
NMS is ok. I play it from time-to-time, and probably have 10s of hours in it. In survival mode, it feels similar to subnautica; or I guess most survival games (I personally haven’t played many). The breadth of mechanics is huge, but they all lack depth. Combat on ground and in space is very simplistic, for instance. Space combat is just pressing a button to have your ship auto-lock on a target, pressing another button to switch between anti-shield and anti-hull weapons, then pressing the shoot button. I really don’t like the cartoonish aesthetics of the other sentient alien races, or my character.
I used to really like the Freespace and Wing Commander games when I was a kid; and haven’t really played anything comparable (i.e. high production value with good stories and voice actors).
I’ve played X4, just for maybe an hour or so, and it seems like it’s another sandbox-like game.
They can make money on market downturns; especially if they know it’s going to go down beforehand. Also, during extreme downturns, the rich buy up everything for cheap.
Grants were for immigrant assistance.
Could use it kind of like an extra monitor with something like Barrier.
Could use it like a home assistant for a kitchen or something, but I don’t know if there’s any good privacy respecting software for that ATM (looks like MyCroft went bankrupt).
I used an old laptop I had laying around for controlling a Maslow CNC. Could also use a laptop to run OctoPrint or something.
Yeah, I was disappointment when I bought a very expensive Galaxy S22 to replace my old Moto G whose charging port wore out,. The S22 had worse battery life, camera, and no noticeable performance improvements. Recently, my S22 stopped charging, and I just bought a “Mint”-grade used Pixel 6 and installed GrapheneOS on it. Happy so far, and it’s nice to be able to block network access to all apps, including Google’s.
Trump has mentioned that tariffs will help him pay for his planned tax cuts. Tariffs are like a flat-tax, which disproportionately help the rich while taking more from the poor.
I also think there may be some other angles they’re working; but I’m not completely sure on. Trump often threatens people to solicit favors; so this may also be a way for him and his cronies collect bribes and favorably business deals from politicians and the wealthy from around the world. He may also have deals with Putin, because he’s acting exactly how you’d expect a person to act who was trying to destroy the Western hegemony.
Oh, I forgot about Claude. Last time I tried it, it seemed on par or even better that ChatGPT-4o (but was missing features like browsing).