I think you’re overestimating how generous a government or research group would be if they found someone they truly believed to be immortal.
I think you’re overestimating how generous a government or research group would be if they found someone they truly believed to be immortal.
It’s not about close position in this case, it’s that the idiot was typing quickly and hit the numbers in the wrong order. Also, a numpad was more likely used than the number row.
Now that The Grand Tour is dead, thess tossers aren’t producing anything worth pirating in my opinion anyway.
Particularly after a country publicly illigitimately arrested the CEO of said messenger.
If they didn’t see that coming, they didn’t know who they were hiring.
Is this project dead? The github link gives back a 404.
As another European, I can at least understand why tax isn’t represented on a US (and Canadian) website since the US is as truly united as a dysfunctional family come inheritance time and tax rates are different from state to state, but to pull that in local stores is something I can only ever see as fraud.
And there’s the sad truth of it. Best we can do is those few of us who care enough to be educated do our best to make what we do hurt those scum suckers where it hurts them the most.
Sadly a lot of young people are taught nothing but convenience and ignorance. I’m the only one in any of my friend circles that says anything against these practices. All of my friends, from different walks of life just shrug me off.
People need education.
And I can’t beat knowledge into the unreceptive, ignorant and assumptive, so I guess we’re at an impasse.
We’ll keep wondering cause the shift to digital clearly isn’t stopping piracy.
Sorry but it really is. Basic language (a)theism is the antithesis to theism, meaning non-belief. Otherwise, that’s what we have “agnostic” for. Like I said, correct yourself before someone who’s got more of a clue.
Sounds like you need to look it up too.
Maybe look up atheism then try correcting your own comment instead of mine.
I’d say YoFrodo’s answer of apatheism is possibly the closest you’re going to get, but speaking in general terms of not believing or caring one way or the other, you’d be agnostic, not an atheist. Atheism is the belief that there are no gods and out right rejection in the belief of any gods. Those saying you’re atheist don’t know what one is.
Correct, and likely because some people refuse to download the apps. I know I was one of them. I say was because I now do my best to not use their services at all, and where I do need to, I use a third-party app so I can use one app for multiple messaging services.
Hardware theft is on the menu today, boys.
Context clues would suggest it has something to do with piracy. One way to find out…
This has got to be Blue from Overly Sarcastic Productions, right?