You made me curious.
As a connoisseur of Blood Sausage, or Blutwurst, or Blunz‘n, I am intrigued to taste this.
You made me curious.
As a connoisseur of Blood Sausage, or Blutwurst, or Blunz‘n, I am intrigued to taste this.
Absolutely not. Only their faces
Sometimes ships get sold to another part of the world, like a Mediterranean Ship gets sold to the USA. The cabins for this one way trip are extremely cheap
I remember about 80% you tell me about you (if I’m listening) I won’t tell you what I know about you in order to not creep you out.
Linux users are just like vegans. They tell you that they are Linux users.
People who use Linux are just like people who use cast iron skillets. They tell you that they use Linux.
How do you know someone uses Linux? They tell you.
I use arch btw.
I think that more European countries should deport people who came here to escape “war”. Too many said they were Syrians but instead were from someone else and don’t even know what you say when you speak to them in “their mothertongue” and just say “Asyl Asyl yes” Everyone got the benefit of the doubt, yet integrated people got deported without reason. Also, everyone who breaks a law (like robbery, rape, etc) should get publically humiliated and then departed. Same goes to everyone who talks shit about the country they live in, burn the flags, etc. They get enough money so to not being forced to resort to crime.
You would certainly not be happy with my gaming setup. I have an apple Membrane keyboard because I’ve played way too long on old laptops and I got so used to them that I don’t like any others. Then I have a 10+ year old mouse that’s just perfect for my hands, I don’t get cramps.
And than I have a MacBook Air that is connected to the PC via Ethernet and steam link streams the game.
Don’t forget to upgrade the bow…
The bow.
I have my mirrors like that since erhw day I started driving because I thought it was the best way to position them
My girl almost never plays games. I bought her the ps5 with Hogwarts Legacy. She did like the atmosphere and such, but the story felt very rushed towards the end, the ending was unsatisfying, the world started off cool but got a choreful minefield afterwards.
I only played the tutorial.
I am happy to be Austrian enough to know way too many words to describe the act of mating:
Ficken, Flachlegen, Reiten, Draufsteigen, Schnackseln, Drüberfahren, Gspiatl’n, Beinand liegen, Brettln, Rödeln, Rackeln, Pempern, Durchnehmen, Tschentschen, Gegenseitig) beglücken, Fleischprüfen, Stecken und stecken lassen, in‘d Kistn hupf‘n, einheizen, Beischlaf vollziehen, Liebestätigkeiten nachgehen, Sich vereinen, den Akt vollziehen, Nudeln, ins Brunzfleisch einepfuiteifln, gfeichtln
That took longer than expected.
Nope. But my GF is one of the luckiest people on earth. By now she won a car, 3 holidays, a travel bag, heck we are going to holiday on ice this Sunday, we bought the ticket last year, and we picked the only spot where thommy ten and amélie van tass have a show. We got upgraded hotels multiple times for free, she even once got a graphic designer monitor for half the price due to something.
deleted by creator
Depending where you live and your financial situation. It’s good for picking up girls at that age, or impress the boys. Don’t get one if don’t need one. Don’t get one if you can’t afford one. And if you get one, take 49cc because the insurance is cheaper.
An ex drinking buddy was drunk and high as F and would butcher the name of several people. I couldn’t let this one die.
Edit: if you have the money and the audacity, print out his post and buy him a pair for his birthday or Easter https://www.grasski.net/en/store
One of my favorites was definitely Kororinpa (Wii) Yes, the Wii is now considered retro. It is now older than the NES was when the Wii first was released.
You tell me - my wife got this scented super high quality soap for the kitchen. It’s okay for her but since I wash my hands way too often I switched to re-lipidizing doctor‘s soap for frequent handwashing due to rough skin between my fingers
If you’re worried about salmonella and non-dry chicken:
Basically if you keep the temp at 144°F for 10 minutes it’s safe to eat.
Also, they die after 4 hours on kitchen surfaces!
Yea cuz it’s got sus in it and I ain’t gonna buy sus stuff.