Wow, it’s almost like the goal wasn’t to get her elected, it was to make sure Harris didn’t get elected.
Wow, it’s almost like the goal wasn’t to get her elected, it was to make sure Harris didn’t get elected.
I have over a hundred hours in PUBG so I’m not claiming Fortnite invented the genre but you can’t deny that Fortnite isn’t the game that made it blow up.
PUBG had no marketability. Gritty gameplay, toxic community, aimed at adults, and an awful name. It was also $30 and PC-only until after Fortnite blew up.
Fortnite was bright and silly and on every platform and F R E E.
I feel like if any genre changes shooters forever, it was Battle Royales. They exploded in popularity after Fortnite and then when the market was oversaturated, AAA devs switched to “the next big thing” which happened to be hero shooters. But I really can’t blame a game or genre for that.
I think the boardrooms at AAA studios changed the game forever by forcing devs to chase that “next big thing” over originality.
How about Jill Stein herself who shows up on the same timeline?
If those “green voters” actually gave a shit about getting their candidate elected, you’d hear from them for more than 2 months every 4 years.
But no, that was never the goal. Their goal was for Trump to win
Hugo, though you didn’t list your “must-haves” so it may not be a great suggestion
Unless you’re referring to something the article didn’t mention, you’re twisting the truth. He wasn’t allowed to bring the lawsuit - that’s not the same as losing
Companies love when people cheat in their competitive games. It makes more people want to play their games
Yes, now picture the enemy team’s models with lines extending 10 meters in all directions.
Gamers mad because tight wing influencers were complaining that Nexus removed a Trump model and not mentioning that they removed ALL models of politicians.
Looks INCREDIBLE, what kind is it?
NetEase isn’t the one who’d care, it’s Disney/Marvel.
I have no idea why you think that changes anything. And I have no idea what you’re saying with the second sentence
Hey man, you can’t do this to me on a Sunday morning. I’ve been a pie>cake guy my whole life and now you have me questioning everything.
Neck and it’s not even close
Not doubting it but is there a source besides Bluesky? I know he’s a game journalist but I can’t link a quote
Banning custom models is pretty standard for competitive games…and for good reason. Anyone else remember the Counter Strike models with giant spikes sticking out of them that would clip through walls?
Add to that the recent Nexus Mods “controversey,” can you blame them for not wanting to be seen as the game where Trump can punch Obama in the face?
Then why say it’s sad that people were outraged
Did you read the article…?
Did anyone upvoting this even read the article?!
Surprise, confusion, and excitement are not outrage.
Still on the 30k votes again huh? No mention of the low turnout for Democrat voters? Or the crowd pushing for people not to vote?