Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis tore into House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday in a searing letter accusing the Ohio Republican of trying to obstruct her criminal prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

“There is no justification in the Constitution for Congress to interfere with a state criminal matter, as you attempt to do,” Willis wrote in the nine-page retort to Jordan, whose committee last month launched a probe into the district attorney’s prosecution of Trump.

    6610 months ago

    This is the actual letter, for people who want to cut straight to the burn:

    After pointing out in the very first paragraph that the True Bill of indictment from the grand jury is attached as Exhibit A, my personal favorite comes later on Page 5:

    Chairman Jordan, I tell people often “deal with reality or reality will deal with you.” It is time that you deal with some basic realities. A Special Purpose Grand Jury made up of everyday citizens investigated for 10 months and made recommendations to me. A further reality is that a grand jury of completely different Fulton County citizens found probable cause against the defendants named in the indictment for RICO violations and various other felonies. Face this reality, Chairman Jordan: the select group of defendants who you fret over in my jurisdiction are like every other defendant, entitled to no worse or better treatment than any other American citizen.

    a. Your notion that different standards of justice should apply to a select group of people is offensive.

    Here is another reality you must face: Those who wish to avoid felony charges in Fulton County, Georgia — including violations of Georgia RICO law — should not commit felonies in Fulton County, Georgia.

    (emphases are those of the author)

    I love this woman. Of course, I think I love anyone who tells Jym Jordan, in perfect legalese and with citations, how he can go fuck himself fifteen ways from Sunday, and then supplies detailed directions on DA letterhead, lol.

    This woman is on fire for a fair trial. Absolutely love to see it.