An investigation by Wired reveals the grisly complications of Neuralink brain implants in monkeys, including brain swelling and paralysis.

  • Evie
    269 months ago

    I’m sorry but, It really feels awful reading this comment, downplaying the horrific pain a torture these monkeys went through just to have some failed technology that did nothing for them… we did not even get good results from the test because a majority of the monkeys died from their complications… that’s is awful… most animals when ethical implications are considered for testing, don’t end up with majority of the subjects dying from terrible, preventable outcomes…

      89 months ago

      I agree here. Hope my comment didn’t downplay the severity of this. It is horrible and the investigation needs to continue. But I stand by saying the headline makes it sound like a Saw movie.

      That being said, I hope the whole thing gets shut down at this point. It sounds like vapourware. Like full self driving I’m sure it all just works. Just wait 2 more months and they’ll release it. Yeah. Right.

      -49 months ago

      Ok but this isnt exactly some outlier. These kind of results happen pretty regularly with this kind of testing. People are only upset in this instance because it’s magnified by their hatred of Elon.

      It’s like if everyone got mad at a factory farm for how it treated cattle, but only because it was owned by someone infamous. It just feels disingenuous. Like, you either knew about the standards for these conditions beforehand and didn’t care, or you’ve had your head in the sand and only just recently learned about it from media focused on a person you hate.

      It just reeks of “I just heard about this thing, have done zero research on it, and have formed my opinion entirely from headlines; but I think it’s bad 🥺🥺😢. Plus the person who owns them is a big meanie poopoo head and I hate them.”

      Notice how there’s not some big push to ban animal testing from this? It’s just use to point at Elon and go “Bad man, bad!”. Face it, people care WAY more about shitting on him than they do about the monkeys.