• Stamets [Mirror]OP
    129 months ago

    Correct on every damn count. Even though I have my little digital watch.

    Fantastic author with a fantastic set of books. The bit about how humans can fly will always make me laugh my ass off. Apparently we possess the capability of flight but we’re doing it wrong. The trick is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

    Douglas Adams is a fucking genius.

    • TotallyNotSpez
      109 months ago

      Agreed, Adams was a genius with an incredible sense of humour. When I was 12 years old I started reading the HHGTTG books and I loved them all. The Dirk Gently books were tremendous fun as well. But the real hidden gem was his book about animals going extinct (Last chance to see). A friend of mine taped a reading session of Adams at his university in Germany back in the day. He later converted it to mp3 files and many years later I still love listening to that gig every few months or so. Let me know if you’d like a copy of it.

      • Stamets [Mirror]OP
        49 months ago

        I would LOVE a copy of it! That sounds truly fantastic. I’m on my 8th replay of Baldurs Gate 3 (not like I finished any of them yet) and most of the time I’m just watching Trek in the background. Love to shake it up with some classic Doug. If you don’t mind of course.