In a new poll, nearly half of Canadians say they support the notwithstanding clause to ensure that schools tell parents if their child wishes to use a different name or pronoun.

    9 months ago

    A total of 1,518 Canadians participated in the web survey from Oct. 6 to Oct. 9. It cannot be assigned a margin of error because online polls are not considered truly.

    Call me suspicious of the validity of an online poll. Aside from the fact that it doesn’t share it’s collection location or methods, online polls are substantially more vulnerable to brigading, astroturfing, or any other form of manipulation.

    Global News should be fucking ashamed of itself. Imagine calling this cash-in of ad revenue on this hot topic issue, “journalism”.

      119 months ago

      The problem is the average person is not able to think past what they directly observe/experience. A single news article or meme on their Facebook feed is all that is needed to shape someone’s opinion on a topic forever.

        149 months ago

        single news article or meme on their Facebook feed

        A single article that already conforms to their existing biases is all that it takes. A lot of people already feel like they own their kids, and an article that reframes that as “some people want to rob you of your ownership rights” will seal the deal

        • snooggums
          69 months ago

          And some parents would want to know so they can support their kid, but are not answering with the context of other kids who have the opposite of supportive parents.

          Like if my kid revealed something like this to a teacher I would want to know to help be supportive, but sure would not want teachers to be obligated to tell all parents because my wants are not as important as the safety of students with terrible parents.