Australian national broadcaster ABC has projected three states voted No, effectively defeating the referendum.

    9 months ago

    Sounds like you’re fine with it happening, you’re just not fine with it being written down.

    But sure. Tell us how a yes vote would have meant “different laws for people with different skin color” and what color your skin is.

    • FaceDeer
      09 months ago

      Sounds like you’re fine with it happening

      Care to point out where it “sounds” that way in what he wrote? I’m not seeing it.

        -19 months ago

        Sure: it’s already happening and he voted ‘no’ to something that could begin to address it.

        Not exactly rocket science.

        • FaceDeer
          29 months ago

          You think that this very specific constitutional amendment is the only way to “begin to address it?” You say it could begin to address it so it’s clear you’re not even sure of that.

            9 months ago

            There’s plenty of ways to address the problem – none of which the Liberal Party will ever implement or the “No” campaign will ever support.

            You can feign all the indignation you want but at the end of the day, we know you won’t support any of those changes, just like you didn’t support the voice, nor even a token apology on behalf of the government for the inhumane things their predecessors did.

            Want to prove you actually care? Campaign for a solution that isn’t “let’s just ignore the problem since it doesn’t impact me”, perhaps with the financial support of all of those “vote no” organisations that don’t exist at their registered addresses.

            We both know there’s not a chance of that happening. You’ll just continue to pretend you have some standard that isn’t being met, rather than admitting that nothing ever will because you simply don’t want it to happen.