I’ll start. I have recently gotten into 3D printing, and, while incredibly frustrating sometimes, there’s nothing more rewarding than getting a perfect print.

  • SomeDude
    381 year ago

    Not sure if it’s niche: Bouldering. It’s such a great sport and comes really natural to us, like running or swimming. It provides a full body workout without feeling like a workout. It makes you quite strong without feeling like repetitive or dull. The community is very nice and positive.

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      1 year ago

      I heard that you do races as well, although that was from my very unreliable friend, so it’s probably all just balderdash

    • @telllos@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      I want to start working out again without going to a Gym. There is a climbing Gym close to where I live and I need to check it out. How did you start do you recommend taking classes? Any gear I need to buy?

      • @3migo@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        The main equipment you’ll need are shoes and a harness. But most gyms will let you rent those for you to try out the sport.

        You don’t really need to take classes to start. The gym staff will tell you the initial info you need to go, then just get started by climbing some easy top rope routes or basic boulders to get a feel for it!

      • @forvirreth@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        For bouldering all you need is a pair of shoes and a chalk-bucket! :) if there is an intro class, I would definitely recommend that, otherwise just bring some friends and have fun!