This is the second megathread for discussion regarding the crisis.

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Please remember that all community and instance rules apply to this thread hence keep is civil.

    188 months ago

    You’re talking as though the attacks happened in a vacuum, without intelligence from several sources pre-warning of it and without a certain level of collusion from the Israeli executive to allow it to happen and bring capitalised by then for it’s maximum effect.

    When you can genuinely approach the subject not from such a disingenuous perspective then my response may well be perceived by you as a bit more than "If you don’t want to be taken for a cunt then don’t act like one "

      8 months ago

      For me it sounds like you are you saying, they deserve the terrorist attack and are not allowed to react to it.

        68 months ago

        That would be the exact reactionary response I would expect from someone with no grasp of the history, its complexity or even a miniscule amount of knowledge of the atrocities that have been carried out against civilians by both sides

        68 months ago

        So you didn’t bother to read my comment then?

        If you’re too lazy to do that, why the fuck should I put any effort beyond this in replying?

          -68 months ago

          I did. Replacing the government with one less bad would be good, but what should such a theoretical good government do in response to the Hamas attack? For example, I think more fewer air strikes and more ground combat would be better for minimizing civilian casualties, though more Israeli soldiers would die as a result.

            68 months ago

            Restore Palestine to the 1917 borders. Grant all Palestinians equal rights within those borders. All zionists who were involved in perpetrating war crimes either directly, or indirectly via policy, to face trial at the Hague

                48 months ago

                I really don’t care whats tenable for a state born out of terrorism that has been carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide against the indigenous people for the last 70 plus years.

                They have no fucking legitimacy and as much right to continue to exist as the NSDAP government after WW2.

                  8 months ago

                  Do you think there are any solutions short of that? Because saying Israel should just dissolve is supremely unhelpful.