CNN’s Wolf Blitzer seemed at a lost of words at the justification being used to bomb a refugee camp in Gaza.

    -108 months ago

    neoliberal economic policy

    ??? which means… what, exactly?

    “Liberal” like American liberal politics.

    ??? You mean like the broad spectrum of … whom, exactly?

    the definition of liberal is caring what gender someone is or isn’t…?

    You haven’t begun to define the terms and ideology of what being a “liberal” means. I don’t mean to drop your sails, but you spent a lot of words saying nothing.

    I again ask - define “liberal”.

      18 months ago

      I wrote a long bit explaining what they really mean with reference to Phil Ochs and all the contradictions and contrarianism involved in people who use liberal as a slur, it’s not worth it though because the real answer is ‘too left = tankie, not left enough = liberal, everyone is bad and should be ignored except for me’