• @GhostMatter@lemmy.ca
    48 months ago

    No, it isn’t nothing. There’s been studies about it and previous experiences when winter time year-round was attempted.

    In fact, keeping summer time year-round causes more accidents, particularly more child mortality, because people are in the dark when they get up during winter. Of course, fuck them cars, and children should not go to school so early. But it’s just to show that’s it’s not the same either way.

    • @Rodeo@lemmy.ca
      -28 months ago

      You typed all that and still don’t realize the problem is with the start time of school/work?

      • @GhostMatter@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        You typed this reply without seeing I actually mentioned that? I am willing to take criticism about my writing style, but don’t reply snarkily without actually reading.

        Of course, fuck them cars, and children should not go to school so early.

          • @GhostMatter@lemmy.ca
            8 months ago

            Is this Reddit? With those snarky replies that misconstrue comments, it sure feels like it.

            I just wrote “kids should not go to school so early.” Did I need to be more precise? Write five paragraphs to explain my ideas? I tried to keep it as short and simple as possible. I was hoping it would be enough to avoid impertinent and rude replies, looks like I was wrong.

            Your tone is unwelcome. It’s possible that I wasn’t clear or that we misunderstood each other, but you didn’t need to write your initial response that way, really.