• Apple cropped photos of the Vision Pro headset to remove the battery pack, making it look less cumbersome.
  • Journalists were not allowed to take photos or videos of the Vision Pro’s hardware during a press briefing.
  • Apple sees the cord from the battery pack as getting in the way of making the headset more mobile.

Archive link: https://archive.ph/GYPuS

  • FaceDeer
    116 months ago

    Or stop whinging about how the hardware isn’t the perfect platonic ideal that you imagined and use it when it’s good enough.

    Seriously, what’s the big deal about a battery pack?

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      36 months ago

      Because it’s not useful to me if I can’t wear it for a long time, both ergonomically and electrically. What I really, really want from VR is an infinite desktop, but not if I need to strap a pound of weight to my face and be plugged in constantly. I can buy a lot of monitor square footage for $3,500 and I don’t need to wear them on my face.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          46 months ago

          And even without the battery pack it weighs almost a pound and a half. That’s like a 20oz bottle of water strapped to my face. No way I can use that for hours.

          • FaceDeer
            66 months ago

            So complain about that, the thing that is actually a problem for you.

            • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
              36 months ago

              It’s a symptom of a larger problem, which is that electronics are no where miniature enough to make VR widespread. It’s like trying to make a desktop computer out of vacuum tubes.

              • Pup Biru
                26 months ago

                for YOUR use case… which is using it for extended periods as a massive desktop

                i’d say that’s pretty niche actually… most people aren’t using technology for hours at a time

                • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
                  -26 months ago

                  i’d say that’s pretty niche actually… most people aren’t using technology for hours at a time

                  People spend 4.5 hours a day on average on their phone. People work in front of screens for eight or more hours a day. People - not naming names - have upwards of 1500 hours of play time in Factorio.

                  You’re just wrong here.