    93 months ago

    I played Watch Dogs (1) for the first time last year after pre-ordering it back in 2013 on console and coming across a game-breaking bug and never being able to complete it. It’s honestly a really fun game that I think gets more hate than it deserves. Obviously the stuff with the graphic downgrades between promo and launch were/are shitty, but the gameplay was fun and the story was pretty entertaining. Plus the spider tank.

    Never played the sequel, though.

    • Rose Thorne
      43 months ago

      The sequel has the better story, but Imma be honest, I don’t think WD1 was hard to beat there. It had some genuinely memorable moments, but there was some jank bolting over with the changes to Aiden, in my opinion.

      WD2 is worth it if you enjoyed 1. It definitely shows some of the later Ghost Recon bones in there, but they work pretty well within the context of the world, and the cast is actually pretty fun. It felt like they took a more relaxed approach from the outset, and it fares better for it.