The Indian rice export ban, the war in Ukraine and El Niño are combining to create a “doom loop” for the world’s poorest people, as staple food prices soar.

    -3011 months ago

    OPEN swift to a few Russian banks then!!! Those are the conditions!!! THE WEST IS AS CULPABLE

    Not Russia man bad, Russia man cause problem in world, get rid of Russia man solve all problem

      2811 months ago

      I mean, Russia man did illegally invade another country and ordered several warcrimes, so yeah, Russia man bad.

          1411 months ago

          I think we can all agree unprompted expansionist wars of aggression are bad, are you allowed to say that with me or are you within defenestration distance of a window?

          If you are blink twice.

                  511 months ago

                  I’m ok with the non-answer

                  If they are human it could be dangerous for them to continue the conversation. I don’t know what they believe or if they are under duress. Or they aren’t and have simply had a moments reflection. Maybe not, maybe they just want to be done with this since neither of us are going to change our minds.

                  I’m kind of done with this too.

          311 months ago

          Buddy, if it were up to me, W, Cheney, and Putin would spend the rest of their lives in a cell together. They’re all war criminals.

      311 months ago

      “Warmonger bad” FTFY

      Blame those who start and continue wars. It’s not entirely the fault of any one country, but there’s only one leader who could put a stop to this latest one.

      Conditions? yeah like that’s not just going to inject needed capitol for an extended conflict so they can keep it going at this point. I don’t like how tangled up the world is getting in to this mess and I definitely don’t like how much it’s impacting civilians, but sanctions is clearly not the ONE thing keeping this war going, it was a response to it. It certainly didn’t start it and it’s clear that some leaders value pride over logic. Money isn’t solving that issue (more or less) now that it’s started even if it started as a distraction from economic problems. Whatever that leader is telling the people, he’s the only one who can end this. We need to end this mess. I’d encourage you to be open minded about what factors are keeping this war going, but I understand that’s hazardous in some parts of the world.

        111 months ago

        Sure, " “Warmonger bad” FTFY " USA does the same stuff that Russia is doing. I agree. Russia man and USA man both bad

        People only understand what the media tells them though, on both sides…

          211 months ago

          Without being directly involved, the media / news / social media is the only information anyone has access to if you don’t know someone with first hand knowledge and even that is probably anecdotal. So that is unfortunately impossible to avoid.

          There’s certainly justification for comparing self serving military actions of the US. It doesn’t make it right whoever is doing it. It’s hard to see this as directly comparable, but I am sure I don’t fully understand the situation so I am hesitant to argue details. But from an uninformed perspective it seems difficult to deny who is the aggressor who could just stop at any time.