Today 10 years ago I went to Poland to buy a Phone with pre installed #Firefox OS on. The Phone was a Alcatel One, so very shitty. Two years later I installed Firefox OS on my Nexus 5 instead.

It was a very good concept, but sadly rolled out on too shitty hardware so it never caught on.

    511 months ago

    I do lol. I got used to it on my phone because they’re so tiny and it’s a taller screen than 16:9, so it doesn’t cut into videos and such. But on a PC screen I wouldn’t stand it.

    I also can’t stand the rounded squares buttons that are now “standard” in Android. I keep a lot of apps out of date just because the newer versions changed circles to that abomination. I even asked the dev of Infinity for Lemmy to bring the option for circle button, and they did! 😃

    Nobody understands my suffering lol.

      611 months ago

      Lol I really don’t. I am trying to figure out what condition would lead to actual anxiety for something like this.

        511 months ago

        Neurodivergent people can be extremely particular about things people don’t even think of and will get anxiety if they’re not as they’re supposed to (seldom ever whimsical, mostly when stuff doesn’t make sense).

        311 months ago

        I think I hate it mostly because 1) it needlessly ruins a good thing, 2) of the general implications of “we are changing something fundamental like a rectangle, and make it standard, and you can’t do anything about it”.

        And also the general corporatisation of design. Everything has to be lifeless and smooth and just enough friendly and appealing to everyone. So what we get? A mix between a circle and rectangle. My artsy soul is crying.

        So, it’s dumb and pointless, it ruins a good thing, it offends me, I hate it, and yet I’m somehow supposed to accept it as the new standard? Fucking 1984 this is.

          011 months ago

          I don’t know if this is satire or serious.

          Of serious, I envy your life. I wish my lifewas privileged enough that I could focus on hating rounded corners as much as you. Lol

            011 months ago

            Are you on the internet? Then you are probably not a starving child in some Somalian village. You privilege.