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Vid on subject: Max Blumenthal SLAMS Biden After Admin REJECTS Australia’s PLEA To Free Julian Assange

"Editor-in-chief at The Grayzone Max Blumenthal dicusses U.S. State Secretary Antony Blinken rejecting Australia’s plea for the U.S. to stop pursuing Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. #julianaasange #Wikileaks "

Edit: Added articles and removed yt link on headline, due to rule 1. :(

  • jimmydoreisaleftyOP
    211 months ago

    Freedom of Press goes out the window? He is a journalist, so censoring and getting rid of 1st Amendment is not a good thing. Censorship does not stop at what you don’t like, it keeps going until things you are for get censored.

    • Weirdmusic
      -211 months ago

      Do you actually know why Assange is in jail? Because, when he released (aka dumped) the cable info he refused to scrub it of identifying ID’s. Other “reputable” organisations (NYT, BBC, DW etc, etc…) did this and were never charged.

      People died or were seriously compromised ecause of what Assange deliberately did. Rest assured that if a Russian citizen did this they would have fallen out of a window.