Most of the time when people say they have an unpopular opinion, it turns out it’s actually pretty popular.

Do you have some that’s really unpopular and most likely will get you downvoted?

  • TWeaK
    11 months ago

    Nuclear is sustainable though, we can sustain it for the forseeable future - many generations. Fossil fuels are not sustainable, their supply is more limited and the consequences of pollution too severe.

    Nuclear is not renewable, but it is sustainable and not polluting so it fits into the category of “green”.

    However, nuclear is not quick. Like you say, we’re already late to the party when it comes to fixing things. Using money and resources for nuclear over renewables may end up taking longer to get to net zero than just going hard on renewables and transmission first (although the specific circumstances do vary widely by region/nation).

      111 months ago

      How is the waste of the reactors not considered polution? Especially when you consider that if people would really decide to make a swing for nuclear power there will be a lot more waste.

        111 months ago

        Doesn’t “pollution” refer to material that is released into the environment? We could make an argument about uranium mining being polluting (because it is), but operating a nuclear plant does not create pollution during operation.

          111 months ago

          Do you trust every single country / political part on earth to store the waste for thousands of years responsibly and safe?