• @LittleLordLimerick@lemm.ee
    611 months ago

    I never said that I don’t support communist countries. What I do not support are abuses of power by authoritarian leaders, even if they claim to be abusing their power in order to bring about a communist state.

    Tankies accept most/all atrocities committed by so-called communist leaders with a “the ends justify the means” attitude that I do not share.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      11 months ago

      To be fair killing nazis is pretty cool. We made some movies about it.

      It is neat you are a fan of doing things where the ends do not justify the means. How do bathing moral decay like that feel?

      • @LittleLordLimerick@lemm.ee
        211 months ago

        Have you never heard the phrase “the ends justify the means” before? It’s a pretty common phrase.

        It means that any action, no matter how unethical or morally reprehensible, is acceptable as long as it is done to accomplish a goal that is deemed good.

        This is the tankie attitude.

        To reject this means that there are limitations on what actions are acceptable in pursuit of a goal. That there are some actions that are too repugnant to be justified.

        • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
          811 months ago

          That’s correct. I think in the real world that doesn’t come up. What is the hypothetical? would you murder an innocent little girl to save your child. That isn’t a gotcha. That wouldn’t work. Even if it did work, the ends of that is that everyone has to wory about their children being scrapped for spare parts. That logic works under cpaitlaism. That situation infact happens today for capitlaism. There just aren’t situations where if you accurately assess the ends it justifies terrible means. Under capitlaism we do terrible means for terrible ends. We are so used to thinking of that that it us hard to think of alternatives, but your failure of imagination doesn’t make you morally right.

          • @LittleLordLimerick@lemm.ee
            110 months ago

            I don’t think you said anything meaningfully different from what I already said.

            You do not consider the abhorrent unethical nature of certain actions as being a valid argument against taking those actions in the pursuit of establishing a communist society. The only criticism you’ll entertain is that certain actions may be ineffective or inefficient at accomplishing that goal.