• Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
    3311 months ago

    Don’t you get it? People come and go, they live and die but what lasts is lines on maps. The lines on the map are the only thing that matters. If Russia moves the line on the map into Ukraine to cover people that want to live in Russia whats to stop them from moving other lines into other nations where people who speak Russian feel persecuted by their government and nazis?

    • albiguOP
      2811 months ago

      People over here sound so much like CK2 players that I get flashbacks to the thrashfire Pagan Fury dlc soundtrack. “You don’t understand, they’re fighting a genocide! Which is why we must conscript and self-genocide the entirety of Ukraine to prevent the separatist half of Ukraine from being genocided by their allies!”

    • blakeus12 [he/him]
      511 months ago

      Jesus, you sound psychotic. borderline nationalist. people being forced into slavery for the sake of their countey? for the sake of the donbas? really? would you be a slave for lines on a map?

      like, seriously. jews in the Holocaust did hard labor for Germany’s lines on the map. is that justified? to save germany from the allies? what is wrong with you?

        • blakeus12 [he/him]
          511 months ago

          holy hell, thank god that was satire. when i saw this post i was just staring open mouthed at my monitor, stunned at how insensitive someone could be. lmao, im pretty dumb for that