Top in happiness. Top in metal bands per capita. Coincidence, I think not.

  • NickwithaC
    563 months ago

    Because the lowest wrung of Maslow’s Hierarchy containing food, heat & shelter has become unobtainable to us.

    Because the doomsdayers about global warming were right and no one listened until now when it’s too late.

    Because the difficulty in just taking care of ourselves has risen to the point that we haven’t the energy or the willpower to take care of one another.

    Because we look back on the time when our parents raised us and realise they had it better than us and that progress has given way to not just stagnation but now full on regression.

    Take your pick.

      293 months ago

      Because we look back on the time when our parents raised us and realise they had it better than us and that progress has given way to not just stagnation but now full on regression.

      Not just that but also that most of the reasons are not accidental but were predicted 50 years ago and deliberately ignored by most in the older generation for selfish reasons.

      143 months ago

      Because the doomsdayers about global warming were right and no one listened until now when it’s too late.

      Wait… people are listening now?

    43 months ago

    My personal life is fine but I see how we keep destroying our environment, how we keep torturing billions of animals every year while we can easily do without and how the extreme right is gaining power even in Germany. This makes me unhappy.

    03 months ago

    The information age is part of the problem. Knowing about everything that’s wrong with the world doesn’t make you happy. People were happier when they didn’t know the slavery and environmental destruction that were necessary for their daily dose of coffee.