Hi there, I’m a registered nurse in Phoenix, Arizona and I’m seriously considering moving abroad because this country is driving me insane for a lot of reasons. I was considering moving to Israel since I’m Jewish and I’ve heard they have a better healthcare system there and pay nurses well but this war has made me not really consider that anymore, so I’m open to suggestions. Thanks
Check out the Scandinavian countries, all of them blow away the rest of Europe and they are looking for medical professionals.
Norway especially looks attractive, especially with its strong left parties.
Can confirm.
Source: I’m a noggie and my sister in law is a nurse, and I get the impression they’re always short staffed.
Nice, I guess I gotta learn Norwegian now.
Nah. “Everyone” here speaks english.
Actually, as a nurse I guess it makes sense - The few that don’t are seniors.
As a native speaker I’m probably very biased, but I’m pretty sure norwegian is among the easier languages to learn. Just be aware of the WIDE variety of dialects - Some of them differ more than Norwegian and Swedish do.
Oh well in that case, then I really am considering Norway. Full disclosure: I’m a communist so one reason I’d move there is the fact it has communist parties (or at least one Im aware of) in their parliament.
Are you what Americans consider a communist or an actual one? Cause in Europe you will find that what Americans consider far left in politics is actually right of center still.
I’m an actual Communist.
Kind of. We have one political party simply named “Red”. They’re the result of a few far left parties joined forces a few years back, two of which were communists. I’m not a big fan of communism myself, as that’s a bit too autocratic for my taste, but the fusion has resulted in a party that is more evened out and focused on general socialism.
Still far better than anything in the US
You’ll probably like countries that follows the Nordic Model
Prob yeah