If we remove just 1 county from each state, Trump would have won.
Yeah, the more people you disenfranchise, the easier it is for fascists to gain power. That being said, this is sort of like saying, “The USA would be Republican if it weren’t for New York and California!”
Cant go showing this is might give people the idea that their vote matters and to show up and exercise their rights. Or perhaps u could do what us Aussies have done and have mandatory voting i would argue its the greatest thing we have done for democracy.
How’s that working out for you? Been getting good politicians?
Well we got universal healthcare a livable minimum wage public housing world class education and enough beaches that you would die before u visit them all assuming u see 1 every single day. Id say its working far better than ur system that seems to resemble a 3rd would country more every day.
What happens to those who don’t vote?
They get fed to the sharks. That’s why you so rarely hear of shark attacks. A well fed shark is a safe shark.
Perhaps, if the participation goes down another smidgen, they can also do something about the scourge of drop bears!