I’d love a ban on single use plastics in general. There are alternatives to that horrible plastic packaging that toys use, which completely fill your garbage can with about 10 pieces of plastic.
Same with lots of food plastic, which used stuff like cardboard, wax paper, balsa wood, newspaper, glass, or aluminum back as recently as a handful of years ago.
I’ve switched to alternatives just because they pack down easier, and I’m not taking the garbage out with six plastic containers anymore.
All types of blisters, whether this box type or the one that needs firefighter grade pneumatic cutters to open, ought to be banned entirely. Even medical applications no longer use them!
I’d love a ban on single use plastics in general. There are alternatives to that horrible plastic packaging that toys use, which completely fill your garbage can with about 10 pieces of plastic.
Same with lots of food plastic, which used stuff like cardboard, wax paper, balsa wood, newspaper, glass, or aluminum back as recently as a handful of years ago.
I’ve switched to alternatives just because they pack down easier, and I’m not taking the garbage out with six plastic containers anymore.
All types of blisters, whether this box type or the one that needs firefighter grade pneumatic cutters to open, ought to be banned entirely. Even medical applications no longer use them!
Man I remember cutting myself on some of those toy and electronics boxes growing up … All for a ban here