There are lots of articles on the internet always trying to make ADHD into something that is gained through internet addictions than something that a person is born with. I keep hearing, “TikTok is making kids have short attention spans/ADHD” or “I have ADHD now because I scroll through Instagram for hours” and etc. The person probably already had ADHD and TikTok or whatever else didn’t just make it appear out of thin air, it just made the symptoms more noticable (speaking from experience.)
This has the same feeling as vaccines causing autism or OCD is from being anal about order and cleanliness. It’s offensive and downright false.
Social media addiction is real, of course and this is not to knock down those who have it without or with ADHD. It’s just frustrating that ADHD is a scapegoat for “those damn phones”.
It rings true in a different way.
Social media is designed to take advantage of ADHD and amplify the problems, however it does not give people who don’t have it ADHD. Just might worsen a pre-existing condition.