Hello! I’m trying to import my youtube “watch later” playlist into my piped account on piped.yt. I extracted the videos links with this js script:
let p = [];
document.querySelectorAll("ytd-playlist-video-renderer a.yt-simple-endpoint").forEach(v => {
if(v.href.includes("/watch?v=") && !p.includes(v.href)){
console.log('"' + p.join('","') + '"');
I then created a dummy playlist on piped and exported it as json, in order to modify it to add my videos. this is how it looks like:
and I replaced the videos list between [ ] with the output of the script, making sure that all quotation marks are closed. I then imported the file and… the playlist created has 0 videos. why? am I doing something wrong?
Tocano@lemmy.ml9·2 years ago