• TheMage@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Trolling? Because Im not towing the company line here? Thats so “the usual” comeback(calling someone a troll) when anyone questions anything at all about these issues. Just shutup and do what the school board says. No questions, please. Are you denying that they are actively trying to hide some very important information from parents about this sexuality and gender stuff? Thats a fact. You are free to deny it but it remains a fact.

    I said before that religion is not in schools and it doesnt belong there.

    • RBWells@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Yes I am denying it based on direct experience, you are claiming it based on hearsay. Turn off YouTube and go volunteer at a school, if you can pass the background screening. Get out of your bubble and into the world.

      And honestly I will never understand why anyone feels threatened by gay people or families with gay parents, or men in women’s clothing or women in men’s clothing. None of that is threatening. It’s not violent, it’s not pushy, they aren’t going door to door like Jehovah’s Witnesses trying to get you to put on a dress, or telling you you are going to hell for being straight.