I can’t even count how many hours I’ve spent in the past year arguing about some BS charge, trying to get something repaired under warranty, or even trying to redeem an valid coupon that was sent to me. I’ve reached a point where I’m exhausted in trying to fight these kinds of things but I feel like I can’t just let any of it go. Sometimes I wish I could hire a Karen, it would be 100% worth it.

  • Tuss@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I was working as a phone tech at a phone provider and decided to get a plan with them.

    2 months go by and I don’t recieve a bill so I go on to my own account and see that for some reason they have made my account into a corporate account that is billed every 3 months.

    So obviously I call in because I’m not allowed to tinker with my own account.

    First rep I speak to I introduce myself and ask how come I haven’t gotten my bill yet. He said “Some times it can take a few months but I can see here that your bill is due to arrive next month”.

    So I ask him “So I’m not on a 3month plan by any chance?”

    And he denied it so hard even though I’m looking straight at the column that says “billed every 3 months”. So I told him “Thank you but I don’t think I’ll get anywhere else with you”

    Called a second time. Got abother rep. Asked him “Hey. I’m not billed every three months by any chance?”

    And he actually looked at my account saw that I am an employee and decided to look and lo and behold I was indeed billed every 3 months.

    Same company sent me to collections for not paying a bill that they wrongfully put on me after I cancelled but I didn’t even receive the bill and I didn’t receive the vill from collections either so it went straight to the debt collectors agency and when I called them up about it they acknowledged that they’ve been wrong, sent back part of the money and then refused to take back the late payment notice.