Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2- android, github version

I am new to Shattered Pixel Dungeon, and I am confused about the Huntress playstyle. The Huntress is able to go through grass without trampling it. Is there some sort of tangible benefit to being able to do this? Is there a stealth advantage as long as the Huntress is in the grass? I do not see some sort of active condition in the character menu when the Huntress is in grass. Otherwise, what is the tangible benefit to the Huntress not being able to cut grass?

Also, what exactly is the game plan for Huntress / using upgrade scrolls as Huntress?

For Warrior, I was struggling a lot since I was upgrading my original weapon instead of upgrading higher tier weapons. I did not know that upgrades go higher on the higher tier weapons. I saw on the internet that I should save my scrolls of upgrade for tier 5 weapons and armor, so I followed that strategy and managed to get a win.

For mage, I saw on the internet that you can go battlemage and put the scrolls of upgrade into the staff that you get by default at the beginning of the game. This makes the beginning of Mage a lot easier, since I do not have to hoard my scrolls until the end of the game. Otherwise, Mage feels harder at the beginning of the game than Warrior does. I managed to get a win with Mage by dumping all the scrolls of upgrade into staff and staff bashing the whole game. I was also lucky enough to imbue wand of fireblast into the staff.

For Rogue, I saved the upgrade scrolls until I could get a tier 5 melee weapon, then put most of the upgrades into the weapon. Rogue felt like the easiest class to win with so far. The Demon Halls are a lot easier when none of the enemies can see where I am.

For Huntress, however, what is the game plan? The spirit bow does not take upgrade scrolls, so I cannot upgrade it like I could upgrade the mage’s staff. The starting weapon is very weak. The early game seems particularly hard, but I want to save my upgrade scrolls for a tier 5 weapon instead of spending them on weak weapons in early game. So what is the game plan here?

Thank you for your help.

edit: thank you for your comments. very helpful.

    1 month ago

    If an enemy is right next to you, and you step away from them into tall grass, and then you step away from them again, your next melee attack will be a surprise attack and won’t miss. This is because—for a split second—they couldn’t see you while there was tall grass in between you. This is because you move first, then they move. It happens very fast, but for a time, the tall grass was between you.

    In addition, if you don’t attack them, and instead step away from them into another patch of tall grass, they will get confused (and show a “?” above their head) and now they have given up on chasing you and will move in a random direction.

    Only the Huntress can do this because every other class will trample the grass.

        1 month ago

        Everything I said is true of anything that hides you: enemy blindness, those shadowy gardens, walking through adjacent doors, or a door and a sharp corner, etc. If an enemy loses sight of you two turns in a row, they get confused.

        You can even just walk around a patch of tall grass with an enemy right on your tail—with any class—and lose enemies after they lose sight of you twice. And if you get lucky, they’ll wander off in the opposite direction and not see you again. At worst, you step directly away and get a turn or two or two to hit them with ranger weapons.