Linus Torvalds expressed frustration over the use of passive voice in merge commit messages, preferring active and imperative language instead.

He provided an example of how commit messages should be rewritten for clarity and consistency across the project.

Torvalds noted that while it’s not a major issue, it does add extra work when he has to rewrite messages to match his preference.

    7 days ago

    I always thought of the “how” being better explained by the code itself where you can see string.replace(" ", "\ ") as the actual fix while the message says the “why”.

    I would still have “Fix a bug where strings containing whitespace break CSVExporter” as my go to message.

    I guess our viewpoints are different based whether we want the commit messages to represent tasks or changes. They both have their uses of course. Looking at changes to a file to know what people have done to it is better with a “changes” type message but looking at the history to check “did we actually complete this or was it just marked as completed in the issue tracker?” is better with a task based message.

    Task management where every issue is put on a ticket and tracked would my type of messages obsolete but at my current company theyre very useful.