Hi guys!
I’m trying to create a WebDAV server that shares a NFS mount from my NAS. In short, I’m trying to create/share a backup folder in my NAS so my Graphene phone can run the backup.
How can I do this? All the guides mention about sharing /var/www/webdav and chrooting it. How can I share my own folder? Does it need to be /var/www/webdav? Can I share something else instead? Should I just link my NAS mount to /var/www/webdav?
You could bind mount the folder you want it to go to, into the /var/www/webdav/ folder.
mount --bind foo foo
The bind mount call attaches only (part of) a single filesystem, not possible submounts. The entire file hierarchy including submounts is attached a second place using
It can be anything you want.
How you change it depends on the specific server you’re using, I use SFTPGo for a webdav server and when I create a new user it just asks where the data should go.
It’s fairly simple with Caddy. https://marko.euptera.com/posts/caddy-webdav.html
Cam be anything you want, just have to install nginx and configure it: https://medium.com/learn-or-die/build-a-webdav-server-with-nginx-8660a7a7311
Thanks! But…where is the folder specified there? I can only see the temp client body path, but I’m not sure that’s where files will be uploaded.
Sorry here’s a better tutorial. I might write one, it is interesting that they all suck in different ways.
The folder is defined by the “root” directive. Like with any other nginx setup.