A community dedicated to discussing game piracy and providing useful resources.
# Game Sources Windows Games - Repack Sites - Fitgirl Repacks
[https://fitgirl-repacks.site/] - Dodi Repacks [https://dodi-repacks.site/] -
Masquerade Repacks [https://masquerade.site/] - Darck Repacks
[https://darckrepacks.com/] - ElAmigos [https://pastebin.com/QAAN8q7M] - Direct
Download - GOG Games [https://gog-games.com/] - Mobilism (Android)
[https://forum.mobilism.org/index.php] - For Linux Users - Use Valve Proton
[https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton] ROM Sites - Vimm’s Lair
[https://vimm.net/?p=vault] - Ziperto [https://www.ziperto.com/] # Software Open
Source Torrent Clients - qBittorrent [https://www.qbittorrent.org/] - Best
BitTorrent client for Linux, Windows and Mac - Deluge
[https://deluge-torrent.org/] - Cross platform BitTorrent client Game Launchers
- Playnite [https://playnite.link/] - Open-source game library manager for
Windows - Lutris [https://lutris.net/] - Open-source gaming platform for Linux -
Steam [https://store.steampowered.com/] - Proprietary cross-platform digital
game distribution platform - GOG Galaxy [https://www.gog.com/galaxy] -
Proprietary DRM-free digital game distribution platform for Windows and Mac
Emulators - Yuzu [https://yuzu-emu.org/] - Nintendo Switch - RPCS3
[https://rpcs3.net/] - PlayStation 3 - Xenia [https://xenia.jp/] - XBox 360 -
Cemu [https://cemu.info/] - Wii U - Dolphin [https://dolphin-emu.org/] - Wii and
GameCube - PCSX2 [https://pcsx2.net/] - PlayStation 2 Other Useful Software -
uBlock Origin [https://ublockorigin.com/] - 7Zip [https://www.7-zip.org/]
A new Lemmy community for anyone interested in game piracy. A place to discuss piracy and share useful resources. There’s also some useful links in the sidebar, I’ll try to keep it updated. Feel free to make suggestions.