Some idiots keep using one of my email adresses for god knows what, ending up in me receiving newsletters and shit. Since actual user accounts are associated, I typically recover the password (since its my email adress) and then delete the account.
There are a few websites with similar restrictions though. They are completely fine sending shit to email adresses they never bothered to verify, but reject logins from countries (or even US states!) that they don’t want. Morons.
that’s when you report as spam. that shit hurts their trust rating and makes their emails more likely to end up in people’s spam folders, pretty much killing their newsletter
Oh boy, that is a great idea. Every time they email me their shitty newsletter I get to create a new support ticket telling them I don’t want it. Auto forward seems so nice.
Some idiots keep using one of my email adresses for god knows what, ending up in me receiving newsletters and shit. Since actual user accounts are associated, I typically recover the password (since its my email adress) and then delete the account.
There are a few websites with similar restrictions though. They are completely fine sending shit to email adresses they never bothered to verify, but reject logins from countries (or even US states!) that they don’t want. Morons.
that’s when you report as spam. that shit hurts their trust rating and makes their emails more likely to end up in people’s spam folders, pretty much killing their newsletter
Or auto forward it to their customer service email, or company email.
You only tell them your email is active with that.
Oh boy, that is a great idea. Every time they email me their shitty newsletter I get to create a new support ticket telling them I don’t want it. Auto forward seems so nice.
You forward it to them and add that you want to exercise your rights to be forgotten.