TL;DR: The Australian Open is streaming games for free on YouTube. The catch is that the players, court, and ball are all 3D generated. They and constructed in near-real time using cameras and video tracking software.

The loophole allows the Australian Open to show a version of live events at the tournament on its own channels, despite having sold lucrative exclusive broadcast rights to partners across the globe.

Demonstration video:

    1 month ago

    This is what we have before the government invests $500 billion USD into AI surveillance research, imagine what we’ll have after!

    I mean, aside from a shit ton of new H-1B hires.

    (To be clear, I have nothing against the hires themselves, but the fraud and deception used to skip past qualified domestic labor. The money earned by visa holders being spent overseas is also concerning since that money loses any velocity it has within the American economy).