In summary: He stopped washing his hair with any products and started using just cold water, in an effort to help with his dandruff problem. Overall seems to have worked for him. Seemed mildly interesting to me.
Not actually NSFW, but I tagged it because the thumbnail is a close-up of some pretty severe dandruff, and there’s a few seconds of video in the middle where he shows the condition of his scalp before quitting shampoo. Just thought I’d mention, in case that makes you squeamish.
Personally, I don’t use shampoo. I find that scrubbing my head and hair using my hands while in the shower is more than sufficient to clean it. Personally, though, I do still want some hair product just for its perfume, though I haven’t found a satisfactory product yet.
What about a conditioner? Not sure if that would make your hair too oily if you aren’t shampooing beforehand, but I imagine a good rinsing should be enough to keep it from getting uncontrollably greasy, and could also add a bit of fragrance.
Yeah, potentially. I honestly just haven’t taken a moment to research an appropriate product, yet. So, if you have any recommendations, I would appreciate them 😊