I live in a super hard water region. So hard in fact that it destroys every appliance despite regular descaling. I’ve remineralized 5l jugs of demineralized water for years but I feel it’s not very sustainable in the long term. Plus demineralized water is not supposed to be safe for human consumption.
I’m looking for an affordable RO system that removes most if not all TDS so I can remineralize it using my favorite recipe.
Do you use any? What are your thoughts? Thanks !
ELI5: Your body runs on slightly salty water, aka saline. By drinking “pure” /demineralized water, you reduce the concentration. If you only drink distilled water with no other mineral intake, you will start bursting/killing your cells due to osmosis. However, most everyone has plenty of salt/minerals in their diet anyways from food, so it’s not a problem for most people. TLDR: don’t go on an all distilled water diet, and you’ll be fine.