Does fucking no one read a history book on this planet?
I’m referring to all of them ever waged. I’m referring to the fact that people practice genocide - and have become quite good at it for practicing it so often.
No it isn’t. Both the people blaming you for things before you are alive are wrong, and you blaming me for things before I was alive are wrong. Both are wrong because they were blaming people for things they couldn’t have effected.
Does fucking no one read a history book on this planet?
I’m referring to all of them ever waged. I’m referring to the fact that people practice genocide - and have become quite good at it for practicing it so often.
How do I support those genocides?
By not killing the genocidists.
How many “genocidists” have you killed?
I plead the fifth.
By not killing ones killing the uyghur muslims? That’s the only genocide I’ve been alive for.
I am regularly blamed for things I was not alive for. Why do you get a pass where I don’t?
They’re wrong and you’re wrong. You can both be wrong.
Not on that - it’s an either/or situation.
No it isn’t. Both the people blaming you for things before you are alive are wrong, and you blaming me for things before I was alive are wrong. Both are wrong because they were blaming people for things they couldn’t have effected.
Could you give an example of something you are blamed for that you weren’t alive for?
The Sylmar Earthquake.