I have problems with people who abstained. The hard thing is, how do you change voter behavior?

  • ghterve@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The issue with that line of thinking is that your conclusion is that the only way out is superior execution by the Dem party. But that’s not the case. The wind CAN choose and can decide to blow us away from the cliff.

    • dukeofdummies@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      aaaaand, what’s the most efficient way to reach all those voters and change their mind? To persuade the wind to blow us in the right direction?

      we’d need some sorta… grand organization of people who have an incentive for Trump to lose who will reach out to the voters, educate them, motivate them. Maybe they have their own candidate? That’d be a fine incentive. Then they can get the word out, organize, throw in some goals for the people to rally behind. Like a- like a political party!

      What exactly is your argument here?

      That the wind cannot be moved via external forces? It does whatever it feels like it wants to, completely and utterly out of our control and we were screwed no matter what? The wind was always gonna blow us to Trump? This is just fate? Really all the money the democrats spent was never gonna change anything so they’re just blameless? Howling at the sun in a vain attempt to keep it in the sky?

      Or is it that the Democratic party was perfect. It was perfectly min-maxed in such a way that we had the maximum possible electoral votes. They were just given an impossible task. No candidate existed that could beat Trump, no platform existed that could defeat Trump. They could’ve lost harder, but there was no way to win? There’s just too much of the voter base that is just so EVIL.