Learning by doing is hard to beat when it comes to building software.

I am starting a home lab to have a safe environment to try things out. Any ideas on what I could run that is completely useless but fun to set up?


  • logging_strict@programming.dev
    18 days ago

    Take any package that is no longer maintained and git clone it.

    Configure the dev environment

    • pre-compile

    • three tox config files:

      testing, docs/lint/formatting/pre-compile/interrogate, update/sync requirements files

    • unittest --> pytest

      Read the tests and then bring it up to your current competency level

    • gh workflows

    • pyproject.toml

    poetry is worthless!

    If the build backend focus is on requirements and not build plugins, remove it. Use a separate package for requirements file management.

    For how to do this see how logging-strict is doing it


    Specifically pyproject.toml and tox-req.ini