the user appears to be impersonating the mastodon user

same profile picture, name, however the user has decided to create a hate community, as well as spreading misinformation about the lemmy developers.

I would normally just block and move on but I find it dangerous to allow someone to impersonate someone else on the fediverse (an admin too) and begin starting trouble.

    1 year ago

    That’s the best part.

    Meanwhile on grad is simply, litterly sharing/screenshoting/documenting the hate you and your community spew.

    You came full circle and admitted it. Way to go.

    • 小黑。@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      this person is racist and the captions combined with out of context screenshots are a blatant attempt to denigrate lemmygrad, taken with the lemmy developer misinformation one can conclude this is a delibrate troll.

      Every single post in the comm is from a single person. This one really shows how dumb this person is. I encountered this on other anti-communist subs too, people mistakenly calling anything bad in the Soviet Union “the Holodomor”, most often deKulakization, in this case Gulags, which makes even less sense. This post is two-fold stupid though, because it is correct that there were never 14 million people imprisoned in the Gulags at one time. This is a Wikipedia estimate that comes up when you search “how many people Gulag”, with the estimate encompassing the entire documented period of 1929-1953 (almost 25 years). Unfortunately we can’t see the context but whatever.

      Of course the sub image is a yellow-filter over the skin of a Chinese man (not racist). This post is great. “Pol-Pot not communist?” Yes. And from these comments we can surmise that the person had included a genocide committed by the PRC. They double down in this post. Reading is hard. And all genocidal states have policies which forbid hateful speech against the supposedly targeted group and have pro-minority policies towards these groups to the point that the state is seen as preferential.

      These people are deeply unserious and deal exclusively in bad faith slogans, which is especially pathetic because the person is mostly talking to themself (I must reiterate literally every post on here is from the creator) and isolating themselves from other comms. A lot of this stuff is just bottom of the barrel imperialist propaganda reiterated, like scolding someone for being against the Hong Kong protests because they were empty nonsense upheld by the West as the epitome of liberation (they were). And “most westerners never even knew what Libya even is” presented without comment as if it’s some big own when we all know barely a percent of the US population could point to the country on a map much less explain what the US/NATO was doing there. A person even admits this in the comments:

      I mean, his point is stupid but other than a country I must admit I don’t know what “Libya is”. It’s an easy Google I just never got around to it.

      And of course I must add my favorite, someone said “Amerikkkrakker” (lmao) in a comment and they captioned it “racism on Lemmygrad.” [link] Also they captioned a post “tankies comparing ICE border patrol to Nazi Germany” like yeah??? Erm guys you’re being a little too hard on ICE they’re trying their best. Like we can all tell you’re a racist.

      As a last point I wanted to mention this post: “China is not f-cking imperialist—Just don’t look at Tibet” because I can guarantee this person knows jack-shit about Tibet. Do they know that even the Tibetan government in exile created a poll for independence during a period of extreme turmoil and they didn’t even get close? That most of the population of Tibet was fucking illiterate and lived in serfdom and slavery under brutal conditions including torture? That the overthrow of the feudal and slave regime was a mass movement of serfs and peasants which allowed the PLA to enter Tibet in the first place?

      And the reply is:

      Tibet is a bad example since the tankies dispute it[.] A better example of imperialism is the great number of ports that China has taken leases out on, and the large amount of money that Being has put into Africa. This is very similar to what the Dutch and Portuguese did in the Indian Ocean.

      On these ports and the “debt trap” narrative

      The Dutch and Portuguese example is awful given that they engaged in direct military conflicts with their colonies (and that’s how they captured many of these colonies in the first place). This person can’t talk about, say, France in Africa because drawing an equivalence between China and France would severely undermine their worldview. Besides, France also engaged in military conflicts with colonies and acquired many of them as such (and assassinated leaders who opposed their rule). Even their lending practices are not similar because France restricts the trade of their “independent” colonies through the Franc. Here’s a thread on if China is imperializing Africa for those interested. China is performing a nefarious strategy to align poor countries to their side by offering low interest loans and infrastructure projects. This may seem like a good deal for poor nations, but the ruse quickly becomes apparent when you consider it’s China doing it instead of a white country. In addition, a cursory check of the America Freedom rating system shows that many of these countries are not democratic.

        1 year ago

        Why would you spend this much time writing up an argument defending authoritarian governments? I genuinely don’t understand why you would decide to waste your time with this. Yeah I don’t like America either but these communist countries are equally if not more evil. The USSR is dead so I don’t know why you’re debating people about their irrelevant staristics

        • 小黑。@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          China is aiding many countries with the BRICS and BRI and because the western governments are responsible for 1.6 billion dead through poverty, war, and famines such as:

          skull famine

          1967 Hong Kong protests,

          Famine of 1876-1878,


          1/3 kids live in poverty,

          fund llegal paramilitary death squads,

          Bengal Famine of 1943 1943,

          Iraq war,

          Batang Kali massacre,

          Chuka massacre,

          operation anvil,

          1957 Oman airstrikes,

          Hola massacre,

          Ballymurphy massacre,

          1971 Newry killings,

          operation demetrius,

          New Lodge six killings

          Boer war

          concentration camps

          Iran-Iraq war

          Battle of Orgreave

          Battle of the Beanfield

          Al-fallujah airstrike

          Partition of British India

          Mau Mau uprising

          Jallianwala Bagh massacre

          bombing of Dresden

          Atlantic slave trade

          British East India Company

          Indian rebellion of 1857 1857

          British Raj

          use of chemical weapons

          Opium War

          Russian Civil War

          Greek Civil War

          Siege of Fort Pitt

          Congo Free State


          British South Africa Company

          burning of the Summer Palace

          Peterloo massacre

          War of the Golden Stool

          conquest of Ireland

          and much much more.

            1 year ago

            The fact that Western governments have done bad things in no way justifies the bad aspects of ML nations. It just makes both hypocrites.

            Despite committing genocide against my ancestors etc. Western nations have done good too. Does it outweigh the bad? That’s a different discussion. Authoritarian nations capitalist or socialist are bad regardless.

            1 year ago

            Blaming “the west” for shit that happened in the past doesn’t achieve anything, even if you are right. All humans can be corrupted and all governments have corruption.

            Now instead of listing random events without explaining any sort of connection to the vague “evil west”, why don’t you explain how your warmonger Russia and your genocidal Chinese governments are any better?