Demand on the Texas power grid is expected to expand so immensely that it would take the equivalent of adding 30 nuclear plants’ worth of electricity by 2030 to meet the needs.
Do you genuinely think the folks who “gambled” really understood the implications? How many random mailers have you gotten asking to switch to a random third party provider because “it’s better for the env” or will “save money”?
I mean I’ll grant you California is a shitshow but it’s been a shitshow since republicans got on their knees for Enron in the 90s and literally hasn’t recovered. How about Florida, which has been a red state for 80% of the last 30 years, low regulation, but instead of building new power they are keeping nukes going well past their service life? Abundant sun. Abundant wave power. They have the fucking entire European heating system right off the coast.
Do you genuinely think the folks who “gambled” really understood the implications? How many random mailers have you gotten asking to switch to a random third party provider because “it’s better for the env” or will “save money”?
I mean I’ll grant you California is a shitshow but it’s been a shitshow since republicans got on their knees for Enron in the 90s and literally hasn’t recovered. How about Florida, which has been a red state for 80% of the last 30 years, low regulation, but instead of building new power they are keeping nukes going well past their service life? Abundant sun. Abundant wave power. They have the fucking entire European heating system right off the coast.