Canada fairly shamefully threw Mexico under the bus for cartels recently justifying an unjustifiable war on Mexico as a cowardly response to the unjustified war on Canada. Of course, no diplomatic contacts/coordination to Mexico from Canada have been mentioned.
There are plenty of places warmer/souther of Florida at this time of year. Mexico one of them you could consider to apologize to country for our cowardice. Later in the year, Canada is very beautiful.
Canada/Trudean supported the US designation of Mexican drug cartels as state sponsored terrorists, by repeating it. The designation’s purpose entitles the US to invade/bomb Mexico. Maybe Canada wants to join in??? Just supporting it is divisive among US enemies.
Oh, I see. I hadn’t considered that that could be used as a pretense for military action.
Trump’s stable genius trade advisor was just on one of their propaganda networks suggesting that Canada is also run by Mexican cartels. It’s all a bit Monty Python, honestly. Just waiting to hear who he’s nominating for Secretary of Silly Walks.
Canada fairly shamefully threw Mexico under the bus for cartels recently justifying an unjustifiable war on Mexico as a cowardly response to the unjustified war on Canada. Of course, no diplomatic contacts/coordination to Mexico from Canada have been mentioned.
There are plenty of places warmer/souther of Florida at this time of year. Mexico one of them you could consider to apologize to country for our cowardice. Later in the year, Canada is very beautiful.
Can you elaborate? I don’t follow?
Canada/Trudean supported the US designation of Mexican drug cartels as state sponsored terrorists, by repeating it. The designation’s purpose entitles the US to invade/bomb Mexico. Maybe Canada wants to join in??? Just supporting it is divisive among US enemies.
Oh, I see. I hadn’t considered that that could be used as a pretense for military action.
Trump’s stable genius trade advisor was just on one of their propaganda networks suggesting that Canada is also run by Mexican cartels. It’s all a bit Monty Python, honestly. Just waiting to hear who he’s nominating for Secretary of Silly Walks.