Ever had one those moments in life when you know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, you are making a very, very bad decision, with a great chance for instant regret and a miserable, probably long lasting, outcome and notheless followed that path?
Yeah, that one. Care to share with us?
I’ll start. I dated a person, after we had already dated for a very short time, during which I was cheated on and eventually was left for a fourth person.
Yeah, not my brightest moment. And yes, I was cheated on again and again was left for another person.
God damn. You dodged a bullet. I had a somewhat distant uncle die recently after a gas tank exploded while pouring it onto a fire. Burns over his entire body and he was too old to really regenerate. Died in the hospital after 50+ days of agony.
Yeah, I know how lucky I am, for sure. That’s horrible what happened to your uncle, what an awful way to go :(