The Forbidding Unlawful Representation of Roleplaying in Education, or FURRIES, Act, filed by Austin-area Republican State Rep. Stan Gerdes, would “prohibit any non-human behavior by a student, including presenting himself or herself, on days other than exempt days, as anything other than a human being.”
The law would allow for exempt days, such as Halloween and other school dress-up days.
The law defines “non-human” behavior as “any type of behavior or accessory displayed by a student in a school district other than behaviors or accessories typically displayed by a member of the homo sapiens species,” with provided examples being:
Using a litter box for the passing of stool, urine or other human byproducts
A personal or outward display, except during a school play or by a school mascot, through surgical or superficial means of features that are non-human such as using tails, leashes, collars or other accessories designed for pets
Using fur, other than naturally occurring human hair or a wig made to look like human hair
Artificial, animal-like ears
Other physiological features that have not historically been assigned to the human race through a means of natural biological development
Students who bark, meow, hiss or make other animal noises that are not human speech
Licking oneself or others for the purpose of grooming or maintenance.
Man they keep coming back to the litterbox thing, it really freaks them tf out. Even though its been debunked dozens of time, my conservative friends all swear they know a guy that knows a guy that swears he saw one for real!
The litterbox thing is so outrageous that it gives their tyrannical proposals the vineer of addressing a real problem.
But the litterbox story was fabricated, and the only grain of truth of it is that some classrooms did keep kitty litter as a mitigation against being trapped by an active shooter - another conservative-created problem.
They will continue to glom onto outrageous stories, to justify their outrageously oppressive proposals.
This is no more outlandish or unscientific than the WHOLE anti-trans thing:
Men pretending to be trans to access woman spaces does not happen any more frequently than furry students shitting in litterboxes.
The right is consistently and historically mobilized by fantastic beasts their cult leaders brainwash them about.
Oh, the litter boxes are real…
It’s just that their purpose is to be used during a school shooting lockdown.
I would not be able to stop myself from laughing if i saw that happening for real but these people think of it as a threat to their existence, as a crime.
What a witless world we live in.
This started out as a far-far-fetched construction to attack trans rights. In fact, whoever designed this hoax is Goebbels-level diabolical. If you break it down, it subconsciously re-arranges the notions of self-identification and toilet use, in a way that presents “reckless liberalism” as an immediate threat to normalcy.
The people who eat this shit up may be stupid, but the people who design it are not. This goes beyond straw-man attack and slippery slope fallacy. It rather combines both into a powerful manipulation technique that bears resemblance to mass hypnosis. They have someone really malevolent on the propaganda payroll, folks.